In late 2019, my girlfriend and I spent months researching and putting together a Southeast Asia trip covering various cities across Thailand and Vietnam. Then of course, Covid lockdowns happened. We had no choice but to cancel our trip and shelve our perfect itinerary for the time being.
Two and a half years and a bunch of lockdowns later, we were finally able to go on a trip! I had completely forgotten how amazing it was to travel abroad and experience something new. It even inspired me to start this blog!
We put in the weeks of research to figure out where we wanted to go, which hotels we wanted to stay, what activities we wanted to do, and which restaurants we wanted to eat at. I figured this information would be helpful for others to read and find their own inspiration.
I want to share all this great information with people who may be planning trips and want straightforward analysis of how much it would cost. So if you’re interested in going on a trip of your own and would like some inspiration, please subscribe and stay up to date! Feel free to shoot me an email too at
Also I am addicted to twitter. Follow me on twitter if you like memes!